Verfasst: 08.05.2002, 0:53
Aus der Juni/Juli-Ausgabe des Magazins Blender:
I read that you dated every nerd's dream girl, Natalie Portman. Is that true, you lucky bastard?
[Moby] We dated so briefly that you almost can't call it dating. She's one of my close friends, and has so much more substance than most people I know. At this point, she's like my cousin. If we were to find ourselves making out again, it would feel a little incestuous.
Bevor Panik einsetzt: Moby ist dafür bekannt, daß er Journalisten damit aufzieht, ihnen mit einem Augenzwinkern exakt das zu erzählen, was sie hören wollen, und dazu gehören charmante Übertreibungen.
I read that you dated every nerd's dream girl, Natalie Portman. Is that true, you lucky bastard?
[Moby] We dated so briefly that you almost can't call it dating. She's one of my close friends, and has so much more substance than most people I know. At this point, she's like my cousin. If we were to find ourselves making out again, it would feel a little incestuous.
Bevor Panik einsetzt: Moby ist dafür bekannt, daß er Journalisten damit aufzieht, ihnen mit einem Augenzwinkern exakt das zu erzählen, was sie hören wollen, und dazu gehören charmante Übertreibungen.