HandsomeCharlie Films

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Master Windu
Beiträge: 773
Registriert: 01.05.2005, 1:00

HandsomeCharlie Films

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Handsomecharlie Films - Natalies Produktionsfirma

Hier die Produktionen

Handsomecharlie Films, Inc.
(Production Company)
1720-1/2 Whitley Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Phone: (323) 462-6013


Israeli-American actress Natalie Portman is so fed up with waiting for movie offers, that she has formed her own production company.

Portman, who is 26-years-old, found that having to wait for scripts was very frustrating, and that the roles offered were irregular, thus she decided to take her career into her own hands and form the HandsomeCharlie Films.

"It is proactive. It gives you more control over creating things, as opposed to having to get hired every single time. After you've worked for so long, it's kind of annoying to have to be dependent in that way," she told the press. "I've been working 15 years and I know some years I get everything first and some years I read only uninteresting parts. I didn't want to be at the mercy of whoever is making those decisions. Having your own company is a nice way to concentrate your ideas and make the kinds of movies you want to see," she added.

(03/2008 gossipboulevard.com)